This questionnaire is part of the survey conducted by Fest of Fests (FoF) and EKOME to map educational activities on film literacy around the world.
We wish to find out about your school film educational activities of any kind (formal, non-formal, informal) of any level (primary, secondary, etc) and of any mean (classroom based, web based, e-learning, workshop etc). The results of this survey will provide us with a concrete picture of the global action and will be crucial for the creation of a future global observatory on film literacy.
Fest of Fests project is under the scientific auspices of the National Centre of Audiovisual Media and Communication – EKOME SA, the official organization on audiovisual production and education in Greece. The results from the questionnaire will be processed, analyzed and presented by EKOME & FoF in autumn 2019.
Please take the survey by clicking on the link below