Cinema and Speech Workshop

The workshop “Cinema & Speech” that took place on 10-11/3 and 17-18/3/2018 at the Black Box of  MCF (Michael Cacoyiannis Foundation) under the responsibility of Ms. Evangelakou and attended by students from all classes. The workshop was presented during the 1η International Event “Film literacy and screen-wise viewers” hosted by the main Event Fest of […]

The workshop “Cinema & Speech” that took place on 10-11/3 and 17-18/3/2018 at the Black Box of  MCF (Michael Cacoyiannis Foundation) under the responsibility of Ms. Evangelakou and attended by students from all classes. The workshop was presented during the 1η International Event “Film literacy and screen-wise viewers” hosted by the main Event Fest of Fests during June 2018 in Athens.  

Here are the 5 video that will take you through the workshop and may help you create your own one.


The selected movies:

Workshop – the making of.

The speakers

The teachers and the students that participated

We would like to thank all the people that were involved with real devotion to make this workshop true so it could be now shared with everybody as best practice.

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