Two film workshops have taken place parallel to the Forum (on Tuesday, 11th June and on Wednesday, 12th June), facilitated by EKOME’s educators Irene Andriopoulou and Kelly Zeppou (Department of Research, Studies and Educational Programs).
The educational material provided to the participants was based on the film education guide SHORT FILM PROGRAMME (translated into Greek by EKOME) and each day’s workshop was dedicated to one short film (The Red Balloon (1956) on Tuesday, Jemima & Johnny (1966) on Wednesday, both donations of the BFI’s film archive).
Approximately 40 teachers and educators participated in the workshops and all seemed eager to take part in similar events in the near future. Moreover, they asked for additional educational material, as well as better networking among teachers sharing a passion for using film in the classroom and engaging in film activities with their students. EKOME saw a possibility to coordinate such a teacher’s network as part of the company’s most ambitious initiative, that is the National Repository of Audiovisual Archives.