1. 18 years of animation education for young kids in India, in 2 mins! (sound on please) Toon Club Presentation 2022. Enjoy!
#animationworkshops #kids #children #animationeducation #artsintegration #international #animation #awardwinning #KidsOfToonClub #loveteachingkids #creativity #STEAMeducation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1y2ZOcEaGE&t=26s
2. In the past 2 years of the pandemic, Toon Club has been globe trotting. Our international online collaborations with Children’s Art Centre in Poznan (Poland) & Festival Anim!Arte, Brazil were 2 chips on our shoulder. Just when we thought we’d uncork the champagne, yet another collab Punto Y Raya Junior Festival, Spain came up. Did you know it’s the ONLY festival that is dedicated to abstract animation films created by children and young adults?
While our productions with Poland FLY & MAGIC HOUSE have won multiple awards and travelled to several festivals around the world, our productions for PyR Junior The Abstraction & Stickmation have also been receiving accolades world over!
Here’s a collage of awards won by our recent online collaborations 🙂 We are open to more International collabs.. so please do write to us at support@toonclub.net . Visit https://www.toonclub.net