Hybrid Internet Seminars / Webinar
With the participation of representatives of notable audiovisual festivals, educational institutions, institutions and organizations
Monday 29 November 2021 to Wednesday 1 December 2021
Action: “International Network of Youth Film Festivals”
Generation Z and its organic relationship with the production and consumption of digital content will be the theme of the 3rd International Meeting Fest of Fests. The Meeting will be hosting representatives of important audiovisual festivals, educational institutions, institutions, and organizations in three hybrid webinars.
The previous meetings, which took place in 2018 and 2019, were attended by representatives of 65 internationally renowned institutions and organizations, discussing the future of Children and Youth Film Festivals.
The Fest of Fests network brings together professionals and representatives of institutions in a forum for the exchange of ideas and good practices, effectively a platform aimed at educating the new generation of digital viewers.
It is the third time the annual Meeting takes place in Athens with participants from all over the world: the USA, Latin America, South Africa, India, the Arab world, and of course from Europe – the United Kingdom, Denmark, Serbia , Romania, Croatia, Poland, Ireland, Cyprus, Greece, etc.
They include Georgina Galanis, United Nations Ambassador to New York for the Culture of Peace for GenZ; Rafael Parra, a two-time Emmy Award-winning editor and deputy Dean at New Media University in New York; producer of Emmy and Grammy Award-winning children’s programs Carol Colmenares; Indian-born Nusrat Duranni, a specialist in media and innovative storytelling direction, director of the children’s and youth programs on MTV; guests from the European Union for Youth Cinema (ECFA), the The International Centre of Films for Children and Young People (CIFEJ), the Greel National Centre of Audiovisual Media and Communication-EKOME and Greek childrens’ Festivals.
This year’s discussions will focus on a novel international communication service of the institution of Fest of Fests, addressed to creative childrenwho produce audiovisual content every day. The theme for the pilot phase of the service will be the life and habits of Generation Z, whose identity is inextricably linked to the digital experience.
What is Generation Z?
Generation Z succeeded the millennials (1981-1996) and is characterized as the first “digital natives”. Its main characteristic is the widespread use of technology. These are individuals who were born at the peak of technological innovation, at a time when all information is directly and easily accessible.
The children of GenZ consider Facebook as the “realm of adults”. They use platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube: according to official statistics, 89% of GenZers use YouTube, 74% use Instagram, and 68% use Snapchat on a weekly basis. This is because, according to Mark McIntyre, director of advertising and web design at Max Audience, they do not want to look at different forms of content to get what they need. “Snapchat and Instagram are cooler for young people because they have less content.”
And most importantly: Video content is King meaning the need to create audiovisual content is constantly increasing.
The meeting is an action of the program “International Network of Youth Film Festivals”, an initiative of the MichaelCakoyannis Foundation, implemented within the framework of the Act “Establishment and Promotion of International Institutions of Contemporary Culture in Attica” . The Act is co-funded by Greece and the European Union – European Regional Development Fund, within the framework of the Regional Operational Program “Attica” Partnership Agreement 2014-2020.
Webinar 1: Europe, SE Europe – Monday 29 November, 15.00-17.00 CET
Webinar 2: Canada, USA, Latin America – Tuesday, November 30, 20: 00-22: 00 CET
Webinar 3: Africa, Asia, the Arab World – Wednesday, December 1, 17.00-19.00 CET
Michael Cacoyannis Foundation, 206 Piraeus, Tavros, PC 177 78, Tel. 210 3418550 & 210 3418579
Programme Website: https://festoffests.eu
Facebook: Michael Cacoyannis Foundation
Twitter: @MCF_MCacoyannis
Instagram: @ mcf.gr | Hashtag: #MCF
Youtube: MCacoyannisF
For Press enquiries: OPUS Integrated Communication 2103635660. Anna Zarifi 6934415084 and Natalia Katifori 6972345289
The Act is under the framework of the Regional Operational Program ‘ATTICA’ Partnership Agreement 2014-2020 and is co funded by the European Regional Development Fund